Friday, July 11, 2008

Leonardo da Vinci The Last Supper painting

Leonardo da Vinci The Last Supper painting
Gustav Klimt Klimt Sappho painting
About a fortnight's march from Inyati we came across a peculiarly beautiful bit of fairly-watered wooded country: The kloofs in the hills were covered with dense bush, "idoro" bush as the natives call it, and in some places with the "wacht-een-beche" (wait-a-little) thorn, and there were great quantities of the beautiful "machabell" tree, laden with refreshing yellow fruit with enormous stones. This tree is the elephant's favorite food, and there were not wanting signs that the great brutes were about, for not only was their spoor frequent, but in many places the trees were broken down and even uprooted. The elephant is a destructive feeder.
One evening, after a long day's march, we came to a spot of peculiar loveliness. At the foot of a bush- clad hill was a dry river-bed, in which, however, were to be found pools of crystal water all trodden round with the hoof-prints of game. Facing this hill was a park like plain, where grew clumps of flat-topped mimosa, varied with occasional glossy leaved machabells, and all round was the great sea of pathless, silent bush.
As we emerged into this river-bed path we suddenly started a troop of tall giraffes, who galloped, or, rather, sailed off, with their strange gait, their tails screwed up over their backs, and their hoofs rattling like castanets. They were about three hundred yards

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