Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Williams Putting The Genie Back In The Bottle

Williams Putting The Genie Back In The BottleWilliams Perineum TartareWilliams Masterlink in the Pain ChainWilliams Island of Infantile Avarice
There flying Elwing came to him,and flame was in the darkness lit;more bright than light of diamondthe fire upon her carcanet.The Silmaril she bound on himand crowned him with the living lightand dauntless then with burning browhe turned his prow; and in the nightfrom Otherworld beyond the Seathere strong and free a twilight lies upon the kneesof Valinor, and Eldamarbeheld afar beyond the seas.A wanderer escaped from nightto haven white he came at last,to Elven the green and fairwhere keen the air, where pale as glassbeneath the Hill of Ilmarina-glimmer in a valley sheerthe lamplit towers of Tirionare mirrored on the Shadowmere.storm arose,a wind of power in Tarmenel;by paths that seldom mortal goeshis boat it bore with biting breathas might of death across the greyand long-forsaken seas distressed:from east to west he passed away.
Through Evernight he back was borneon black and roaring waves that rano'er leagues unlit and foundered shoresthat drowned before the Days began,until he heard on strands of pearlwhen ends the world the long,where ever foaming billows rollthe yellow gold and jewels wan.He saw the Mountain silent risewhere

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