Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hessam Abrishami paintings

Hessam Abrishami paintings
Howard Behrens paintings
hankering to live here.SCARLETT: Get off this place, you dirty Yankee!WILKENSON: You bum-trucking, high-flying Irish will find out who's running things around here when you get sold out for taxes. I'll buy this place, lock, stock and barrel and I'll live in it. But I'll wait for the ^sheriff's sale.SCARLETT: That's all ofTara you'll ever get.(Scarlett throws the ball to Wilkenson's face. of soil which Ashyley put in her hand.)WILKENSON: You'll be sorry for that. We'll be back!(Mr. O'Hara mounts his horse. In a fame of anger, he tries to cut the way and catch the Wilkensons.)Mr. O'HARA: I saw you holding on to the carriage!SCARLETT: Paw, come back!Mr.O'HARA: Yankee coward!SCARLETT: Paw!(Mr. O'Hara falls down to the ground. He never rises again.Days after...)SCARLETT: Oh, Mammie, Mammie.MAMMIE: You've been brave so long, Miss Scarlett. You just got to go on being brave. Think about your Paw, like he used to be.

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